Thursday, January 17, 2013

Realmwright: A Gatecrash Card Review

This (along with two other cards) is Realmwright.  It doesn't appear very menacing.  It's a 1/1 for 1 mana... but it allows mono-blue decks to reliably play finishers from another color.  Yes, it's fragile... but is there anything your opponent can really do after you put a solid finisher on the board, aside from an uncounterable board sweeper?  Sure it's gimmicky, but I just can't resist it.  I love playing mono-colored decks (particularly blue) and this is just icing on that oh-so-sweet color pie.

In limited, this guy is more powerful.  It makes casting cards in your guild colors much, much easier if one of those colors happens to be blue.  And since removal spells are... well... limited in limited, this forces the opponent to make a difficult choice unless he/she has repeatable removal or pingers... take out the Realmwright or take out the creature(s) you cast off of it.

To view a Gatecrash spoiler, you can visit  Enjoy!

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