As I was saying the other day, Young Pyromancer represents a reasonable clock if you have a few instants and sorceries to back him up. With 3 instants and sorceries, he represents enough damage to kill an opponent in 7 turns, assuming each of those spells are cast once per turn the turn after Young Pyromancer resolves (also assumes all spells were cast on your own turn; an unlikely scenario in hindsight... safe to assume the clock would be at least a turn faster since the Elemental tokens will be able to attack the turn they come out).
Pretty darn slow, but it's nothing to complain about coming from a 2-drop. Frostburn Weird is a faster clock, but he will require a large mana investment, allowing the opponent to run out whatever he wants under your countermagic.
Firedrinker Satyrs might not be the best plan to increase the clock. Without pumping him, he speeds up the clock by about 2 turns assuming he comes out a turn before Young Pyromancer does. Not terrible by any stretch, but I'm not sure it's worth the sideboard slot and I'm not sure what decks the beatdown plan will be good against.
Anyways, I'm off. Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving.
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