This is old news, but there will be a Grand Prix in Louisville this year. I have a surgery scheduled in September, but my recovery time should be a good opportunity (no pun intended) to prepare. Haven't played much Magic over the past several months, so it will take some time to get what little game I had back. I love the Standard format right now... it's very healthy. Though Junk Reanimator is "the" deck right now, "other" decks are a larger portion of the meta than any other single deck. Standard is really unpredictable at the moment.
Unfortunately, Theros will be out when GP Louisville comes around. I could be waaay off, but I smell aggro deck central. A young format with a pretty limited card pool. I'm really tempted by Jund, R/B, or B/G Aggro. Brutally efficient, powerful creatures, cheap removal, and good disruption. One major caveat: it's freakin' expensive (aside for R/B aggro... and I'd feel more comfortable creating a more controlling list in those colors). In addition, Ol' Thraggy (Thragtusk) will rotate out when Theros comes in. Not to mention Snapcaster Mage and another really good 2-mana utility creature. Sadly, some of the most important components of my favorite decks (Unexpected Results, Epic Experiment, and Immortal Servitude are the big three... and I doubt I'd take any of them to a GP, even with all the M13/RTR cards still in the meta) will rotate out. Theros will likely leave a big impact on the meta, so this is mostly verbal flatulence.
I really like Quicken. Rakados's Return at instant speed? yar. Other unfair things? yar. Draw a card? yar. Overhyping a crap rare? yar. I'll shut up now.
But first. GP Louisville should be fun. A GP in my area! Looking forward to it!
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