Wednesday, January 1, 2014


Happy New Year, everyone!  Hope it's been a good one so far.  If it hasn't, you still have 364 days left after today to make it a good one.

Though not in my immediate future, I plan on migrating my blog to a WordPress-based site (details forthcoming).  I have also thought about plying my writing skills on PucaTrade, as my primary goal in Magic: the Gathering is for it to be a financially self-sustaining hobby.

My new site will also provide a place to show off my skills as a front-end web developer and provide a point of contact between me and potential employers.  Something's gotta give... getting sick of going from temp job to temp job.  Maybe I'll start streaming full-time?

Yeah right...  I have a growing distaste for MTGO, and I doubt I'll grow out of it soon... Maybe they'll fix it before Vintage Masters comes out, and I can pick up some Power 9 and other sweet goodies while face-planting some drafts.

What's Vintage Masters you ask?  It's an online-only set on MTGO coming out in June that will cost $6.99 per pack, and will be similar to Modern Masters, except with Vintage staples, including the Power 9 (printed at Mythic obviously).

Anyway, I'm off... Nursing a throbbing headache this afternoon (just kidding!).